Salineville, Ohio, is a captivating small village nestled in the heart of Columbiana County, offering residents and visitors a unique blend of history, charm, and hospitality. With roots dating back to 1839, Salineville boasts a rich historical narrative that significantly encompasses its involvement in the Civil War, particularly being known for the northernmost point reached by Confederate forces. With a population of approximately 1,300 people, it remains an inviting and peaceful enclave away from the hustle and bustle, ensuring unequaled tranquility. Engage yourself in its close-knit community lifestyle, beautiful natural scenery, and intriguing historical heritage that ultimately characterizes the essential Americana of Salineville, Ohio.
Good Wheels is Salineville's destination for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We're located is located at 15406 State Route 170 E, Liverpool, OH 43920.